Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This web site (“Web Site”) has been published by Startv Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“Company”) and all rights of this Web Site are vested in and the property of the Company. Please read the following terms and conditions to use the Web Site, to make use of the Web Site and to have access to the Web Site.

  1. The Company reserves its right to change the Web Site and/ or information posted/ to be posted at the Web Site, all forms and contents as well as the present Terms of Use at all times at its sole discretion. Any third party who makes use of the services/ information available at the Web Site or who has access to the web site for any purpose whatsoever (“User/ Member”) shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of use below.
  2. These Terms of Use are intended to govern and define the limits applicable to the access by the User/ Member to the contents there and over the Web Site and in what way the User/ Member shall be able to use the said Contents over the Web Site and advertisements regarding various products and/ or services, links to other web sites and applications and all kinds of audio-visual and/ or audio or visual works (“Contents”) that the Company shall unilaterally determine, including but not limited to the posting of any news, photographs, photographs, letters, audiovisual products, any data, or regardless of whether it is a work, any idea and/ or any artistic  work at the web site, to offer it for the access of third parties.
  3. The User/ Member hereby agrees, represents and undertakes that he shall use the Web Site in line with the entire applicable legislation, rules applicable to the use of Internet use, the present Terms of Conditions as well as the Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection Policy and that he shall assume the entire civil and criminal responsibility for all transactions that he shall do and all actions that he shall take via the Web Site, including the access to all kinds of Contents, browsing the home page and other pages thereunder and making use of all these services.
  4. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries in which it has a direct or indirect interest nor the respective managers and employees of the Company shall be liable for any losses that the User/ Member may sustain on account of his use of, or his access to the Web Site. In the event that the transaction is interrupted in half, or there is an erasure, loss or a delay in transaction or communication or a computer virus, communication error, system error or failure to have access to the Web Site, or the unauthorized access to records, any theft or destruction or intrusion or modification or use of these records, the Company shall assume no liability.
  5. The User/ Member shall in no event commit any act against other Users/ Members and/ or third parties by using the Web Site. The Company shall not assume any direct or indirect civil or criminal liability on account of present or future operation that third parties may sustain on account of such transactions that the User/ Member shall carry out now or in future in breach of the applicable legislation, the present Terms of Use and also the Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection Policy. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes to indemnify the Company and/ or third parties against any material-moral, direct-indirect damages and losses that the latter may sustain on account of the User’s/ Member’s breach of his commitment in this paragraph, provided that such indemnity shall be made in cash and in lump sum and without any need for a court order and immediately upon the first demand.
  6. The User/ Member hereby agrees, represents and undertakes that he shall not act in a way that would damage or impair the personal and business credibility of the Company and/ or third parties or that would infringe their personal rights; that he shall respect to the human dignity and privacy of personal life; that he shall not use slandering or humiliating words against people beyond the limits of criticism; that otherwise the entire civil and criminal liability shall be borne by him.
  7. The Company is the legal owner of the Web Site and the Contents there. The use or accessibility by the User/ Member of the Web Site and/ or the Contents subject to terms and conditions applicable by the Company shall in no event vest any intellectual and industrial property rights in and/ or grant any rightful ownership or right of disposition to the User/ Member.
  8. The Company may unilaterally change the limits of use of the Web Site and services; the Company may at its sole discretion suspend temporarily or cease permanently the availability of the Web Site, the system operation, services and the Web Site and the Contents offered to the User/ Member or the way they are used or it may change its purpose or the technique for the use or publication, or it may extend/ shorten the duration of use, restrict or may terminate such usage permanently at any time at its sole discretion and without any time limit whatsoever. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes that in the case that the system is temporarily suspended or is permanently ceased and/ or its conditions are changed, he shall not assert any claim of vested right therein and that the Company shall not have any liability thereunder.
  9. The Company reserves its right to change or delete such articles, comments, photographs, videos and other data posted by the User/ Member at any time. The Company may use this right without any prior notice or indulgence of prior time. The User/ Member represents, undertakes and agrees that while he makes use of the services available at the Web site, he may only upload any articles, comments, messages, signs, photographs, videos etc. with the system; that he shall be the sole owner of all such articles, comments, messages, signs, photographs, videos etc; that he shall not use any third party works and/ or any intellectual or artistic works that third parties may be a rightful owner; that he shall in no event infringe third party rights; that otherwise the entire civil-criminal, moral and material liability shall be borne by it; that in the case that the Company sustains a loss on this account, he shall indemnify the said loss in cash and in lump sum and immediately upon demand without any further need for a court order.
  10. The User/Member agrees, represents and undertakes that in the event that the present Terms of Usage are changed by the Company, or the Company asks any information or membership in connection with the use of the Web Site, he shall provide the said information correctly, truly, fairly and fully and that he shall act in line with such changes.
  11. There may be connections to other web sites, applications and/ contents owned or run by third parties over the Web Sites by means of links provided by the Company at the Web Site and the Company may not have control over such contents etc. These links are only for reference purposes and in no event constitute a representation, commitment or guarantee about the web site and/ or the data available thereat nor are they intended to support the connected web site, its contents or its operator. The Company does not make any warranty, guarantee and/ or assume any civil and/ or criminal liability about products or services promoted by the ads available at the Web site and/ or web sites, files and contents to which access is available via links embedded in the Web Site, or services or products or their contents offered by the web site with access from such links.
  12. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes that he shall not post any comment, data, photograph etc. which may pose a threat, violence, insult, harassment against the Company and/ or other Users/ Members or third party individuals or entities, or the society or any part of it or which may be pornographic, misleading, deceiving, incomplete or erroneous or which encourage commitment of crimes, attacks against race or ethnicity or support any kind of discrimination or that may have criminal factors and elements in the course of his use of the Web Site or any service offered there; that he shall not commit any act or action nor shall he make any speeches or say words that represent a crime or misdemeanour or are in breach of the applicable legislation, including but not limited to Turkish Criminal Code and other regulations and international treaties; that he shall show utmost care and diligence to avoid any such acts and actions, The entire civil and criminal liability that may arise in this respect shall be borne by the User/ Member.
  13. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes that in the case that it infringes the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Company and/ or third parties as he acts in breach of his commitments set out herein, and thus he causes the Company to suffer any losses, the entire civil and criminal liability on account of the violation shall be borne by him; that where the Company and/ or relevant rightful owners face any civil, criminal or administrative sanction, he shall be the sole party who shall assume such sanction and that he shall indemnify the Company and/ or third parties against any material-moral, positive-negative damages and losses that the latter may sustain, provided that such indemnity shall be made in cash and in lump sum and without any need for a court order and immediately upon the first demand.
  14. The use of any and all intellectual and artistic works, data and materials at the Web Site shall be subject to the Company’s permission in line with the applicable legislation, including but not limited to the Intellectual and Artistic Works Law no. 5846. The User/ Member may not use any intellectual or artistic work or, regardless of its nature, any information and material protected under the Intellectual and Artistic Works Law no. 5846 and the applicable legislation without the Company’s explicit permission nor may he use the Web Site to pass on or convey any intellectual or artistic work or, regardless of its nature, any information and material. Contents posted at the Web Site, including all news, data and other materials may be only used upon the Company’s written permission and subject to such terms and conditions allowed by the Company. They may not be provided or made available to third parties or reproduced or uploaded to, posted at, submitted to or published at any other computer or device without the Company’s prior written permission. It may not be used at any other web site without permission and by citing the Web Site as a source partially or completely. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes to comply with and not to act in breach of the Intellectual and Artistic Works Law no. 5846, the Industrial Property Law no. 6769, Turkish Code of Commerce, Turkish Criminal Code and other applicable legislation. Unless he complies with his such commitment, the Company fully reserves its right to have recourse against the User/ Member for any indemnity and/ or administrative/ judicial fines that the Company is ordered to pay to public agencies and/ or third parties on account of such failure.
  15. In the case that the User/ Member acts in breach of any provision hereof, the Company has the right to duly respond to, intervene with such action, suspend the service, restrict or limit the service or access in part or in full. The The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes that in the case that he acts in breach of such Terms of Use, he shall indemnify the Company and/ or third parties against any direct or indirect material-moral, positive-negative damages and losses that the latter may sustain, provided that such indemnity shall be made in cash and in lump sum and without any need for a court order and immediately upon the first demand.
  16. The User/ Member agrees, represents and undertakes that all books and records of the Company including all digital records, and its microfilms and Web Site records and data as well as any data available in the database shall constitute valid, binding and conclusive evidence in the sense set out in Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedures and that this article shall operate as an evidentiary contract.
  17. The present Terms of Use shall be governed and performed according to, and all disputes that may arise between the User/ Member shall be subject to, Turkish Law and Istanbul Central (Çağlayan) Courts and Execution Offices shall have jurisdiction over such disputes,
  18. The present Terms of Use shall become effective immediately upon their publication at the Web Site and shall be binding for the User/ Member without any need of any action on the part of such User/ Member when he uses or logs in the Web site in any way, The User/ Member may have access to the updated version of these Terms of Use over the Web Site at any time.



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