Ipek has decided to marry her long term boyfriend Tekin. He is much older than her and they have had a difficult relationship, she is not really sure what she wants from him, but when her father dies she convinces herself that it is best for her she marries him. As she prepares for the wedding day, an anonymous letter arrives telling Ipek that she has two sisters that she doesn’t know but she must meet. Her mother confirms the truth - Ipek is adopted - so she writes to her sisters inviting them to the wedding. Deren and Cilem come to town, with Ipek introducing them as old friends so as not to create any additional drama around the wedding celebrations. The two sisters soon see a dark side to Tekin, who acts jealously around Ipek. Following the wedding ceremony, Tekin turns violent again and Ipek calls for her sisters’ help. In a desperate scuffle, Cilem strikes a fatal blow to Tekin’s head. Suddenly, in the course of a couple of days these three women have gone from not knowing of each other’s existence, to being at the centre of a murder cover up together. This will be only the start of testing their sisterly bond: they must learn about their pasts, who wanted them to be reunited - and are all three sisters even who they say they are?